Sabtu, 23 November 2019

Kitab Suci dan Tradisi (Handout for Grade X, Chapter III)

Chapter III
Scripture and Tradition as a Source of Faith toward Jesus Christ

 As a believer in Jesus Christ, we want to improve ourselves based on the person of Jesus Christ. The person of Jesus Christ become the basic and example of our self-development, because in Him we find a greater human dignity that acceptable by God. He is the image of God that has been chosen as the way, truth and life. In Him we find the perfection of human being in the presence of God. In order to find Jesus as perfect figure, we need to improve our understanding through of the main source, which is the Holy Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament, as well as the tradition of the Church. Holy Scripture become the source of our faith.
A.  Old Testament Scriptures
For the faithful (orang beriman),  Holy Scripture have very important role:

·         Became the main written source for human being to understand the saving work of God at all time.
·         Source of reference and inspiration to develop faith. Due to this reason every faithful needs to understand the Holy Scripture Correctly.
The Old Testament as the Christians have now been prepared through a long process, about more than Ten Centuries, since Eleventh Century BC until about the First Century AD (Ando Domine-BC).

The History of the Old Testament

At first, is in the form of a collection stories about the experience of the Israelites in their relationship with their history and at the same time in relationship with the role and the presence of God in their lives. The experiences of God's saving work throughout their history was told to their children and grandchildren throughout their generations. Until one day there are certain people, who have been inspired by the Holy Spirit write dawn into a whole book as we have today. Holy Scripture is not a history Book, athought there is historical elements.
The Contents of the Old Testament
About the Old Testament, the Second Vatican Council document on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum), article 14 said:

Loving God with full attentition, plan and prepare the salvation of all humanity. God chose for Himself a people, to do His promises. Because after the agreement with Abraham (cf. Gen. 15:18) and with the Nation of Israel through Moses (cf.. Exodus 24: 8), with the word of God and His works, He revealed himself to the people that He chose to experience how God relate with humans.
For the prosess of salvation which is described and explained by the author as the True Word of God written in the Book of the Old Testament.

The Relation Between Old Testament and  New Testament.
Documents Vatican II about Divine Revelation = Wahyu Ilahi (Dei Verbum), article 16 said:

God, the author of the Books of the Old and New Testaments, in His wisdom acknowledged that the New Testament is hidden in the Old Testament and the Old Testament opens in the New Testament.Then what is the relationship of the Old Testament and the New Testament?

The meaning of the "Old Testament"
                                          The term "Old Testament"

                              is used to distinguish the "New Testament".
In the history of Salvation, the relationship between human and God assured(diikiat) by the Promises, which is in the Old Testament, all human being is symbolized by the Israelites especially through their leaders.
The Promises is a covenant of Love to save (Perjanjian Kasih yang menyelamatkan). In that covenant, God promised to always save the people and from human being, God challenge faithfulness.
Unfortunately the faithfulness of God is often rewarded (dibalas) by the infidelity of the Israelites. But God who is faithful continue to keep promises to save humanity by:

the renewal of the promises through His Son Jesus Christ. So the Old Testament is talking about the covenant between man and God before Christ.
The history in Old Testament is a history of Faith. Although the "Old Testament" is not perfect but its remains important. In Old Testament God reveals to human being about:
1.      How God interact with human.
2.      The awareness about the presence of  God.
3.      The great teachings about the wisdom of God.
4.      The life procedure of human life.
5.      The promises of the coming of Jesus Christ the Redeemer.
6.      The preparation of the kingdom of God.
The process of making the Old Testament Scriptures
Generally the Old Testament contains of two major parts, namely the Prehistory Book and History Book.
·         The Prehistory Book,
begin from the story of the Creation unti the Tower of Babel = menara babel Genesis 1-11.
The History Book

starting from Abraham who lived around the year 2000/1800 BC until before Jesus Christ.
The process of the writing of the Old Testament:
1.      Between the years 1800 - 1600 S.M:

the time of the Fathers of the nations = bapa-bapa Bangsa (Abraham-Isaac-Jacob).
This period was the beginning of Israel's history that starting from the call of Abraham to the story of Jacob. In this years the Fathers of the nations still alive.

2.      Between the years 1600-1225 S.M:

The story of the Israelites run away to Egypt, slavery in Egypt, the liberation from Egypt to the Sinai Covenant. The stories also still be delivered orally. The short formulation of the 10 commandments has been written on this period as a way of life.

3.      Between the years 1225-1030 S.M:

The struggle (perebutan) for the land of Canaan and the time of the Judges (hakim-hakim). In this period, the people of Israel taken (merebut) the land of Canaan which is believed to be the Promised Land under Joshua's leadership.

4.      Between the years 1030-930 S.M:

King’s Period (zaman raja-raja).
In this period, the Israelites entered in a new era of their life. They began to embrace a structure of their life that begins with King Saul, later replaced by David and continued by King Solomon, David's son. At this time the Israelites became well-known and respected by other nations. At the time of King Saul, David and Solomon, the parts of the Old Testament Scriptures begin to be written.

5.      Between the years 930-722 S.M:

Kingdom of Israel and Judah.
After King Solomon died, Israel divided into two kingdoms, the North Kingdom (Israel) and the South Kingdom (Judah). Northern Kingdom lasted until 722 B.C. In this period began the preaching of the prophets like Elijah and Elisha, Hosea and Amos. At this time some parts of the preaching began to be written. We can read in Deuteronomy.

6.      Between the years 722-587 S.M:

The Kingdom of Judah still in progress after the failure of the kingdom of Israel.
The kingdom of Judah is still strong until they finally exiled to Babylon in 587 B.C. At this time some written traditions about the story of fathers of the nation began to be collected together
7.       Between the years 586-539 S.M:

The exile of the Istaelites to Babylon.
The people of Israel from the Kingdom of Judah lived in Babylon, for 50 years. The book of Lamentations (ratapan) was written. In this period also the priests (para Imam) write the laws that included in the book of Leviticus(imamat).

8.       Between the years 538-200 S.M:

After the exile, the Israelites were allowed to return to their homeland by the Persian king.

The Persia King overpower(mengalahkan) the kingdom of Babylon.
At this time the five books of the law (lima kitab taurat) has been completed. Also the history books of Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel, and Kings already completed. The books of the prophets too many have finished and selected 150 psalms which we have received until now.
       The reason why we must read and study the Old Testament are:
1.      We will see how God continuously and faithfully reveals Himself to be known; and how the nation of Israel responded to the revelation of God. The quality of the relationship between God and the nation of Israel can be imitated by the people of today in building a better relationship with God.
2.      The Old Testament is the Word of God. Due to that humans must listen and do what is said to us.
3.      It contains predictions (Nubuat-nubuat) about the Messiah that God has promised. Therefore, understanding about Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of God's promises can be fully understood if we study the Old Testament.
4.      Jesus himself as a Jew (Yahudi) founding his teaching in Old Testament. He does not deny the Old Testament, but affirm and renew it.

A.     New Testament
                                   The content of the New Testament

                                    is the faith experience about Jesus.
Through the relationship and togetherness with Jesus, either direct or indirect, they finally believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Savior and the fulfillment of God's promise to save human being.
Basically, the authors have different faith experience about Jesus Christ,

it deepends on the backgrounds that they havewith Jesus. That is why the style, the way and the content of the faith experience that they proclaim and write has a different emphasis to one another.
In the midst of the difficulties to read and to understand the contents of the New Testament, the Holy Council(konsili suci) requests that all the faithful must often reading the Holy Scriptures again and again in order to have the knowledge about Jesus Christ (Dei Verbum Art. 25).
About the Holy Scripture, St. Paul in his Second Letter to Timothy says that all the writing that given by God are:
1.      Useful for teaching.
2.      To show the wrong action that done by humanity.
3.      To improve behavior (memperbaiki kelakuan).
4.      To teach the truth. "(2 Tim 3: 26).
                                                 St. Hironimus said:

"Ignore the Holy Scriptures means Ignore Jesus Christ."
Old book (PL) speaks about the covenant between God and the people of Israel; while the second book, named the New Testament, speaks about the covenant between mankind and Jesus of Nazareth. So both are seen as God's covenant with mankind. only in the old covenant(perjanjian lama), an agreement is still limited to the Nation of Israel, while in the second period named which "the New Covenant," the relationship was extended to all mankind.
So the essence of the word "Covenant"

               is more clear in the Old Testament, but deeper in the New Testament.
In the NT God deals with mankind no longer through a letter of an agreement (naska perjanjian), but through His own Son Jesus Christ.
The process of writing the New Testament (27 books) is a long process that is about 100 Years.
When Jesus was still alive, no one of his Apostles take notes about what he did or what he said, or anything about his life. They just want to be the Apostles of Jesus who follow Jesus wherever He went, stayed with Jesus, learned to listen to his teaching, and witnessing the actions of Jesus. Only after the resurrection of Jesus, they began to feel how important is the presence of Jesus in their lives, and for many people who had been following Jesus. Then after Jesus' resurrection, the Apostles began to realize that Jesus is Lord and Savior.


is a moment for them to be brave to proclaime to many people about who Jesus really is.
                                                   Pentecost is a Blessing moment

They are brave to preach the life of Jesus. And they started coming out from their hiding place, and go to different places to teach about the life of Jesus. Then many people believe in Jesus and give them to be baptized. They are scattered in different cities, until outside of Palestine. The apostles can’t present in their midst, so sometimes communication is done through letters. The letter could contain advice to resolve issues or teaching or stories about the life of Jesus.
Only after the disciples died and the people who believe in Jesus Christ more and more, then at that time comes the need to write about the life of Jesus, his work, his words and the end of his life. Because of the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they wrote the story of Jesus based on their eye witnesses (saksi mata). His followers are already spread in the middle of the World(read Luke 1: 1-4). And through writing they can already proclaim their faith (and the faith of the church) about Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
The Period of the Life of Jesus Until the New Testament.
1.    Between the year of 7/6 before Christ (BC) - 30 AD (M)Jesus was born around 7/6 SM *, grew up in the village of Nazareth, the Galilee area. His spiritual life is so deep and obey the law strongly (cf. Mt 5:17).

2.    Around the year 27/28 AD Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River         

                       by John the Baptist.
Then he went throughout all Galilee and Judea to proclaim the Kingdom of God. When Jesus was born, and appear in public, Palestine was under Roman colonizer  led      Caeser Augustus  and at that time the Palestine was led by King Herod.

3.    In the situations like this there is an hatred atmosphere among the Jews against the Roman colonizer.

The Jews believe that their God is a faithful God and always present in their life.
In this conditions their hopes on God become stronger that God will free them from suffering through a figure called the Messiah.

4.    After being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus continue the mission that has been proclaimed by John. Jesus reveals God's intervention to human being through:
                                 His Life, His Word and His Work.

5.    In proclaiming His mission as the Messiah, Jesus use

      Parables to be easily understood by people.
Jesus delivered with divine authority(penuh wibawa). That is why Jesus always said: "I tell you ... (Mark 1:27).

6.    The hatred of the Religious Leaders and the Pharisees could be seen to test Jesus because they want to kill him, (Mt 12:14). In the end, they used the opportunity to arrest him during the Easter  Celebration.

7.    Since the arrested of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Apotles who always together with Him seems very scare of afraid. Peter deny, the other disciples scattered every where. Jesus must face agony alone even carrying the cross without any body. Until finally Jesus died on the Cross.

8.    The resurrection of Jesus

is to strengthen their faith.
Finally they believe that Jesus is:

Messiah, the Son of God, Lord and Savior. They are more and more convinced of everything that has been proclaimed by the Old Testament about the Messiah, and it was seen as accomplished in Jesus.
In the year of 367 Saint Athanasius collected a list of the Holy Scripture, including the New Testament. The Catholic Church recognizes that the number of writings or books in the New Testament  are 27 books. The essence of the New Testament:

·         About the life of Jesus Christ
·         About the work of Jesus.
·         About Word of Jesus.
·         About the struggle of Jesus
Although New Testament  focus on Jesus, but there are also the life of the first Church.  Generally the form of the New Testament is about Parable, Teaching, Letters and Prediction.

The four writings in New Testament is called GOSPEL.

·         The Gospel of Mattew,
·         The Gospel of Luke
·         The Gospel of Mark
·         The Gospel of John.

Their writing stop with the story of Jesus appeared after Resurrection from the dead. Seeing from the contents (isi), the four Gospels consider as the most important book.
The "Acts of the Apostles" tells

about the beginning of the first Christian community and its development for more than 30 years with the two main characters, namely Peter and Paul.
Last Revelation is the Revelation of Saint John.

This book contains about the life of all Christians and the whole world. The book is directed to the future or the end of time, and the affirmation of God's work of salvation.
St. Paul in his letter to Timothy asserts (menegaskan)
"All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, reveal the wrong deeds, correcting attitudes and guide people to walk in righteousness"(kebenaran) (2 Tim 3: 16-17)

C. Tradition
Traditions in the Church

is an expression of the experience of the Church's faith in Jesus Christ, which is received, proclaimed, celebrated, and accepted through out the generations.
The Tradition have a future orientation and at this time is very precious because there is the time of Jesus and the Apostles.
The New Testament is the center and source of all the tradition, because it reveals the experience of the faith of the Early Church. The Catholic Church believes that the Scriptures (the Bible) with the tradition are declared by the Church as "the highest point of reference of the faith of the Church" (Dei Verbum Art. 21).
                                    "The Truth of the Faith"

Is Direct to the reality of faith and the disposition of heart in responding to the God’s revelation.
To preserve Tradition, the early Church collected and compiled the sacred writings which were recognized as Faith of the Apostles. The canonization of the Scriptures became very important especially to distinguish the wrong teachings from the original teachings. The early church also developed the formulation of the creed as a form of normative confession of faith. In that way, God's revelation is maintained and expressed in the life of the church.
Church traditions maintained by the Church, especially traditions that grow and are carried out in a special period of time, namely

the times of Jesus and the Apostles, called

the age of the Early Church.
The tradition was built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets with Christ Jesus as the Cornerstone (Eph 2:20). Then the formulation of the experience of the faith of the Early Church, called the New Testament Scriptures written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
 is the center and source of all Tradition. Because the New Testament Scriptures teach steadfastly and faithfully and without error, truths that God wants included in them for the sake of salvation.

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