Rabu, 17 Juli 2019

Aku Pribadi yang Unik (Handout for Grade X: Chapter I)

A. I'm a Unique Person
Every human being is unique, no one has anything in common with others. Even twins have differences. In general this difference makes people jealous, contradictory, and unfriendly. Even though with that difference, people can enrich each other and complement each other. That difference is the uniqueness of every human being. The uniqueness can be observed from the physical, psychological, talents / abilities and experiences they have.
Uniqueness is a gift that makes someone different and can be known and treated specifically. To overcome these differences, we need to accept ourselves as we are. God created every human being with a special task in this world. A positive person will accept that uniqueness as a gift, he/she is proud that he is different, he is grateful of whatever she/he has and consider it as a gift from God and everything is good. Thus, he will not be insecure, he does not intend to be the same as others, he will not consider himself worthless, he will not take action against God's will due to dissatisfaction with him, his life will be calm and able to get along with anyone.
When people accept themselves as they are, they will be able to develop themselves and do something with:
·         Self-consciousness
·         Self-acceptance
·         Self-confidence
·         Self High self-assurance. (perasaan aman)
Accepting yourself is a difficult process. Many young people are often tempted to feel dissatisfied with themselves. When he saw his friend is richer, there were teenagers who thought: why was I born in a poor family? When I see other people who are white, there are teenagers who think: why am I born with dark skin? When you see a sharp-nosed friend, there is a teenager who thinks: why am I born with a snub nose? Seeing his friend smart in a particular lesson, there is a teenager who thinks: why am I not as smart as him?
Those who still think like that, seemingly have not realized; that for certain things, especially physically what is inherent in us is strongly influenced by inheritance and environmental factors. They forget, that many rich people are also unhappy, many beautiful or handsome people are also not successful; on the contrary, many people with ordinary faces (even less attractive) from even poor families can be successful and valued by many people.
The attitude of not accepting yourself can foster an attitude of envy, want to be like someone else, and finally rationalize everything as something good(menghalalkan segala cara).The case of teenagers in South Korea who carry out plastic surgery is one example. But what they do is not a guarantee to live happily.
Then the most basic question to reflect is: what values ​​do you want to pursue that can determine your happiness? Is someone's value determined by beauty or good looks? by a sharp nose? or by attitude and behavior and exemplary life?
The teachings of the Scriptures about the Uniqueness of Humans being.
The Book of Gen. 1: 26-31!

When creating humans, God planned and created it in His image and likeness. According to his image. (Ge 1:26) When creating humans, God seems need to "work" specifically. "God formed man from dust and soil and breathed life into his nose" (Gen. 2: 7). Everything, including the garden of Paradise, was surrendered by God to humans (Gen. 1:26).
Isn't human special? God treats humans specifically. Humans have been thought and planned by God since eternity. The presence of humans on earth has been carefully prepared and arranged. Humans are really treated as "people", as individuals, "like" God Himself. How unique we humans are!
B. Developing God's Gift
According to Aristotle, "humans will be happy if they actively realize their talents and potential. Humans are creatures that have a lot of potentials, but those potentials will become real if we realize them. “Happiness is achieved by using or activating talents and abilities. The abilities and talents possessed by someone should be developed and used. Ability and talent are God's gifts, which in the Scriptures are often called talents. God wants that talent to be developed and used.
In the Gospel of Matthew 25: 14-30, it is told of a master who calls his servants and gives them a number of talents to "be developed" and "used. As Christian we are called and demands to develop and use talents. God gives different abilities and talents to everyone those talents must be used for common good. Jesus gives an example of a master who gives talents to his servants. (Mt 25:14 - 30). Jesus also encourage a servant who did not want to develop his talents and only buried them in the ground.
Realizing  Strengths and Limitations
My Strengths and limitations; Physical Aspects
·         Talent / Ability: there is a gift and there is none.
·         Material / Economy: Rich and poor
·         Characteristic: there is a good character and not
·         The dream (success) that I want to achieve: the future achieved.
Basically, every human being is given by God with various abilities, although with different levels between one another. People who are good at math are not necessarily skilled in sports, people who are good in singing are not necessarily good at sports. People who are good at science lessons are not necessarily good at socializing with friends. No one who is smart and skilled in everything.
This kind of reality should make everyone aware that on the one hand every human being has the ability, but on the other hand he has limitations. So everyone's job is to find what is their ability, as well as find their limitations.
The Scriptural Message About the Call to Develop talent.
The Parable of Talent (Matt. 25: 14-30)
Everyone is gifted by God. We must develop and use those talents as they should. Developing talent as it should be is the call and demand of Christian believers.
We must develop the talents we have, because God has given talents to humans His creation, in accordance with the capabilities of each human being.
We must be like the first servants and the second servants who develop the talents they have well. We must not follow the third servant, who only buried his talent, without trying to develop it.
God will be sad and disappointed because we only harbor(memendamkan) the talents we have. Moreover, we feel jealous of the abilities that other people have. God gives each talent to His people, and we have to be grateful for that talent, and we develop it.
C. Equality of Men and Women
Men and women are created as dignified(semartabat) and equal. Both are created in the image of God: created in the image and likeness of one and the same God (Genesis 1, 26-27). Besides, they are blessed with trust and equal opportunity to take part in His great work. They are called to build communion and work together in the management of the world and everything in it and the protection of the generation of mankind (Genesis 1, 31). Men and women complement each other. The correlative nature is very clear in the form of men and women. But it also appears in all its humanity, such as: feelings, ways of thinking, and ways of dealing with reality, including with God. God said: "It's not good, if humans are alone. I will make a helper for him, who is worthy of him "(Gen. 2:18). Men and women are created not first as masters and servants or superiors and dependents, but partners who are corresponding (rekan yang sepadan). Duties and responsibilities given to both are the same. The value of their work and their role in the work of God are generally no different: nothing is higher and nothing is inferior. The Word of God which reads: "Let us make man in our image and likeness ..." (Genesis 1, 26) and "... what He made was very good" (Genesis 1, 31) shows the difference between humans and other creations. The word shows their privilege as men and women among all creations, not their differences as men and women. In the Book of Genesis it is also told that men and women are God's most beautiful creations.
Men and women are created by God to complement each other, to become life partners. Men alone are not complete. God himself said: "It is not good, if man is alone. I will make a helper for him, who is worthy of him "(Gen. 2:18). To declare that a woman is truly a unity with a man, God created the woman not from another material, but from the man's rib. So the man then said about this woman: "Here he is, the bones of my bones and the flesh of my flesh" (Gen. 2:23). From the quote of this Scripture it is clear that the relationship between men and women is a sacred and commensurate relationship.
The teachings of the Scriptures about the Equality of Men and Women
Genesis 2: 18-23
Question analysis: Who wants humans (men) not to be alone? Why? Who makes help for men? Is one higher than the other? See verse 20, are cows, birds one with humans? See also verse 23, is this equal recognition or consider one to be the superior to another?
The Equality of Men and Women.
Many people when talking about equality between women and men, are often limited to the problem of division of tasks or functions. So many people were convinced that the head of the family must be a father. Even though the father is unemployed and the one who struggles desperately to make a living is his wife, still the father who is the head of the family.
Many men when talking about equality, focus more on what a woman should do for her. And on the contrary, women think what men should do for them. As long as humans think like that, equality is difficult to be realized.
Instead equality will come true if people will renew their way of thinking. This new thought is when a man is able to say: a woman was created by God as my helper, meaning she (woman) is proof of God's love for me. God wants me to develop through his help, so I will respect and do whatever is best for him. If I respect and love him, I love God too. Likewise the opposite: women say: I have been created by God as a helper to him, so I will respect and do whatever is best for him, because it is my manifestation of loving God.
The thought like that can be realized through the following example: Young men will not feel proud if they are familiar to help families washing dishes or cook. God's calling for men or women is: each one must develops himself into a real man and a true woman.

D. The dignity(keluhuran) of Human As God's Image
As a fellow image of God, every human being is a brother. But in various places there is still violence causing from fanatic and intolerant attitudes because of race, ethnicity, religion, culture, and social groups. This attitude is as described by Jesus in the parable of the generous Samaritan. In the parable it is told how the good Samaritan had treated Jews(Yahudi) like their own brothers, even more than that.
The word image is more exactly defined as a description. Creatures called humans are said to be images of the creator, which is God himself. Because man is created as the image of God, man has dignity as a person: he is not just something, but someone. He knows himself, becomes a master of himself, dedicates himself to freedom, and lives in togetherness with others, and is called to build relationships with God, his creator.
Humans are given the power to overpower other creatures. Mastering nature means arranging, protective, developing, and using it responsibly.
True brotherhood means is a friendship that lived on the base on the natural equality as a the same creature of God and the same equality as God's image. True brotherhood does not distinguish people based on religion, ethnicity, race, or class, because all humans are both God's people and are equally loved by God. So everyone who hates one another hates God.

In Gen. 1: 26-27 it is said: God said: "Let us make man in our image and likeness so that they may rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and of the cattle and over the whole earth and all the animals creeping(melata)that creeps(merayap) on the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them ". in Gen. 1: 26-27 it is clearly stated that humans were created in the image and likeness of God.
The Cases of Violations Against Human Dignity
We already know that humans are not something, but a unique person who has value. A person's value is not determined by wealth, by beauty or good looks, not by culture, ethnicity, race or nationality. Then why do we still find many cases of violations of human dignity? Why is there still slavery? Why is there still a massacre?
Behind the violations of the dignity of human beings, we are grateful because there are also figures who gave their thoughts and services to defend and fight for the nobility(keluhuran) of human dignity. They are:
1). Mahatma Gandi
is a spiritual leader and politician from India. Gandhi was one of the most important people involved in the Indian Independence movement. He is an activist who does not use violence, which promotes the independence movement through peaceful demonstrations. As a teenager, Gandhi moved to England to study law. After he became a lawyer, he went to South Africa, a British colony, where he experienced ethnic discrimination called apartheid. He then decided to become a political activist in order to be able to change the discriminatory laws. Gandhi also formed a nonviolent movement. When he returned to India, he helped in the process of India's independence from the British colony; this inspired people in other colonies to fight for their independence.
2) Mother Teresa of calcuta
is an Albanian Roman Catholic nun and an Indian citizen who founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India, in 1950. For more than 45 years, she served the poor, sick, orphaned and dying. while guiding the expansion of the first Charity Missionaries in all of India and beyond in other countries. After her death, she was blessed by Pope John Paul II and was given the title Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. In the 1970s, she became internationally renowned for humanitarian work and advocating for the rights of the poor and helpless. The Missionaries of Charity continued to grow throughout her life and at the time of her death, she had run 610 missions in 123 countries, including shelter and homes for people with HIV / AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis, counseling programs for children and families, orphanages and schools. The government, social organizations and prominent figures have been inspired by her work, but not a bit of the philosophy and implementation of Mother Teresa have faced a lot of criticism. She received numerous awards, including the Indian government award, Bharat Ratna (1980) and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She is one of the most admired figures in history.
3). YB. Mangunwijaya
Is a religious leader who cares about the destiny of poor people, he is not tired of defending the rights of the oppressed. Like when the people of Kedungombo was accused because of the removal of their land without suggestive payment. On July 5, 1994, the Highest Law court finally granted the petition of 34 residents of Kedungombo with large reward. But good intentions don't always respond well. Romo Mangun, who has been faithful in providing assistance since 1986, was accused of trying to do Christianization. Receiving this accusation, the man who had attended a brief lecture on humanity in the United States was silent. In addition to paying high attention to the fate of the poor, Romo Mangun is also known as a person who is very concerned with the world of education. "Poor children who are unknowingly thrown are born in slums,(kumuh) that's what really needs help.
4). Munir Munir Said Thalib
is a man of Arab originally who is also an Indonesian human rights activist. His last position was the Executive Director of the Indonesian Human Rights Monitoring Agency Imparsial. While serving on the Council of Contrast his name so familiar as a fighter for missing people kidnapped at that time. At that time he defended the activists who were victims of kidnapping the Rose Team from Kopassus. After Suharto's fall, the kidnapping was the reason for the removal of Kopassus Danjen Prabowo Subianto and the trial of members of the Mawar team. Munir's body was buried in the Batu City Public Cemetery.
The teachings of the Church about the Nobleness of Human Dignity as God's Image
·         KGK (Catechism of the Catholic Church) 357 Because it was created in the image of God, man has dignity as a person: he is not just something, but a person. He is able to know himself, become a master of himself, devote himself to freedom and live together with others, and because of mercy he has been called into agreement with his Creator, to give Him the answer to faith and love, which cannot be given other creatures as a replacement.
·         KGK 358 God created everything for humans (cf. GS 12,1; 24,2; 39,1), but humans but man was created to serve God, to love Him and to offer all creation to Him.
·         KGK 361 "The law of solidarity and love" confirms to us, that despite the diversity of individuals, cultures and nations, all humans are truly brothers and sisters.
KGK 362 The human person created in God's image is both physical and spiritual. The Scriptures reveals it in figurative language, when it says: "God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into his nose; thus the man became a living being ”(Gen 2: 7).

(By. Sr.Emelyn Tea, C.M)

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